Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Sunday Thought...

"As Long As You've Learned Something Today.. You'd Be A Better Person Tomorrow
- HSY (Hassan Sheheryar Yaseen) 

Friday, October 28, 2011

What Hurts Is...

"Its Not The People That Hurt! Its The Expectations Related To Them That Hurt Us.." - Hazrat Ali (May ALLAH be pleased with him) 
Love those who care about you, but be strong enough to not expect anything from them. Love yourself, more than you love anyone. 

- Maryam!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Need Of... Change!

I love blogging. It makes me feel like whatever I have in my heart, I have a whole right to express it my way. No one to judge me, question me, or even argue. 
Being someone who is mostly unable to compromise with people, it becomes really hard to take criticism or even pieces of advice sometimes. Blame it on my indoor-lifestyle or may be because for about 5, or so, years I have lived a, sort of, lonely life. Only Maa and dad with me, no close friends (Apart from internet buddies), not much hang outs, just me, my laptop and my own versions of 'Life'.

For a lot of time in my life, being used to do things 'my way' proved helpful. But as I have grown up, and really observed things around me, sometimes, I have seen that my way was exactly the wrong way. 

Its been hectic 8-10 months for me. I had some exams that, whether made my life, or would have ruined it. My results were supposed to be out that decided my future. Yes, they pretty much were the 'live or die' sort of results and if I hadn't done well, then, lets just say, I wouldn't be on my laptop right now, having a tin of Mirinda Citrus next to me, with a teddy bear lying beside me. Yeah, my life would have been kind of screwed up if my results were bad. Please, go ahead, be creative with your thoughts, I am a girl.. whats the worst that was going to happen, YO?

Ok, now enough with your creatvity.. So, I passed!
Well, with rather good marks actually. Almost an A+. Still feels like its not happening because all my life, i have been an average student. The best I got, prior to this year, was an A.. back in 6TH grade. May be because the 'need' of studying wasn't ever there. Yes, the need of having something is basically what decides our attitude towards it. No matter how much we believe that we're passionate about something, if we don't need it, the odds of us putting an effort to get it are rather.. zero. 

I have been that kind of person, the all-the-time jolly, having fun, enjoying every moment, not giving much "damn" about what comes next. I am still the same, but the difference is, whatever I do 'in the moment', I do keep the circumstances, that might come with it, in my mind. I still enjoy the moments, but being prepared for whatever comes next. I still am jolly, but lets just say, not with everyone, and not every time. I still have fun, but only with certain people, who I actually consider 'fun' and not just a time pass or objects!

Basically, because I felt the "need" of change. Messing up, embarrassing myself constantly, because I just would not accept the fact that I need to change my attitude, my routines, my expressions, or even reactions. Most of the times because the pressure of 'doing the right thing' was absolutely ridiculous enough to ruin my sense of 'whats right and whats wrong.' The whole scenario which was created for me, "You're right, or you're wrong" confused me and eventually, got to my nerves. 

One day, I woke up early. Cleaned my room, literally changed the setting. Said my noon prayer (which I had been missing because of my bad sleeping routine). I remembered that one of my very close friends had sent me a picture of his room, and the prayer mat was lying there in his room, as if it was there 24 hours a day. It gave me an idea to keep my prayer mat, unfolded on my carpet, so whenever I look at it, it reminds me of my prayers, and this way, I wont miss them. (Thanks, close friend :D )
I cleaned my room so nicely that it made me feel alive. Opened the windows, changed the sheets, cushions, put my teddy bears on the bed, organized my gadgets, took a deep breath and said to myself, "Its time for a change..
(all these years, I have been a lazy person who won't care about a clean room or bad sleep or even bad health.. Gosh, I wonder how my parents really tolerated that!!)

A person who slept at 7 AM and woke up at 5 PM.. Waking up at 10 AM and sleeping at 12-01 AM was quite an achievement. I did not get a noble prize for it, sadly, but my mother came to my room that day and said,"Your room looks so fresh, I wanna sit here all day.." 
Yes, she is the same mom who tolerated my messed up routines, never asked me to wake up early (due to my migraine) and man, she really did a lot to not let me feel restless. 
My migraine was becoming worse, and nothing was helping, so, I made my own diagnosis. 
I started sleeping early, enough to keep me calm, because its not easy for me to sleep in the daylight. Started taking tea, doing early and nutritious breakfasts, taking life 'easily' and not stressing out much. Taking walks, doing Yoga, basically, giving a complete 'change' to my lifestyle. And that made me a more patient, healthy person, and if nothing more, than at least it made me someone who would take life seriously, yet enjoy it. 

And most of all, It helped me get over my past, and the way I was perceiving every thing around me. I won't say I transformed into someone else, or even compromised myself. But, when I needed to change my lifestyle, I wasn't too shy to accept it. Because things had gone so bad, that I don't even remember what mess ups I made in those 'bad days'. And well, frankly, I don't want to remember. Solely, because they are gone, and I cannot make a difference in them. But what I can, and am able to, do is change myself. Improve my personality, my judgments, my lifestyle, good enough to make me a better person, and strong enough to keep me dignified.  

Now, wonder why I am telling you all this? For one simple reason.. If I Can Do It Then.. Hy Reader... YOU CAN DO IT!
There are very minor changes we sometimes need to bring in our lives, our routines, our personalities, and these changes are the ones that make all the difference. If you are more expressive during anger, just try to not talk in that state, and half of your problems would be gone. If you feel too lonely, or broken inside, try to lie down under the stars during these cool weather days some night, and you'd realise.. Life is too beautiful to be wasted in the feeling of loneliness. If you can't find someone to talk to, make a blog, man! And you'll find a lot of people to talk to :D I found you, didn't I? :)

Life is simple, accept your mistakes, it makes things easier for you and the loved ones around you. 
Improve yourself, and don't be shy about it.
And once you do, be proud of yourself.. and like me, BRAG ABOUT IT *Cheers* (Yes, that would make you feel like you're the best thing on this planet and as if no one has ever been like you... believe me, it IS true.) No one is like you, you're your very own version! Love yourself, admire yourself!
Be dignified, not egoistic. 
Be strong, not arrogant..
Be human, not a Robot :) 
Change, when needed. It would make you feel, if not awesome, then at least better! And by the time, you'll learn to be more accepting and positive towards life. Take it easy on yourself.. Life is not something to be wasted on "OMG I am so sad" and all that teen-year dilemmas. Its beautiful, just LIVE IT!

"Happy People Dont Have Everything Best.. They Just Make 'The Best' Out Of Everything.." 

- Maryam!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Good People!

Its been 3 days, a thought has been going through my mind. To write on a topic named as "The Good People".
I wrote about 30-50 lines in different posts, then saved  them as drafts because they just did not seem right. 
Bloggin' might seem like a very simple way of expressing one's-self. But when you see the views going from 58 to just 8, that's when you start to think,"I gotta post something new.. and decent enough".
But the best thing about blogging is; you dont take have to take dictations or orders from your editor boss! You can just go with the flow of your own inspirations and thoughts, post them, not really thinking if someone would approve it or not. Those who do, you thank them, appreciate them and well, love them! Those who don't, you take the positive criticism and "Calmly" accept, whereas the plain rude trolls and spammers are just simply ignored.

I believe, there is not much difference between Blogging and real life. I might seem like an introvert obsessed with internet and sitting infront of an LCD, but nowadays, who isn't? :)

In blogging life, people visit your address, read your posts, if they understand your language, then they take a second look as well. If they dont, they'd simply just ignore it as "just another piece of writing on just another website..." 
But then, there are people who stick to your blog. Who give it a read daily, no matter what. They take time out to visit it, comment on it, even criticize or suggest something to make it look better and improve it.  Who become your friends later, or even best friends. And become a part of your blog and life, all together.

Then, there are some silent visitors you see on the "Statistics" of your blog from different countries. Who never comment, but are always present, no matter if its 1 in the morning or 2 in the noon. They hardly ever comment or post a response, but they are your silent supporters who give you a motivation to write more and more.

Stalkers would be quite a suitable word for those people who would go around following you till they find you on facebook or on a fan page of you and write on every status you've ever posted,"Inbox me". Thats not a bad thing, because sometimes they can't help it, unless they are planning to kidnap you! 

After that, there are some people who are so charming, they want to take care of things for you, they offer you help in blogging, even 'blog-flirt' with you! The ones I sometimes want to punch in the face, but when I can't, I'll just punch my laptop or mobile and hate myself for makin' a blog. The young immature readers who see the posts as 'story of their life' and pretend to adore the blogger and tell them "they are angels on earth, blah blah" and never ever mean those big words. Gosh, I seriously dont like such members!

And those who come, go and pretend like they never existed. Yes, there are people like this. I saw a country named "Latvia" on my blog statistics, LORD be my sole witness, I did not know this country ever came into being. Well, Geography has never been my favourite class anyway. 

Coming back to the point,
I believe, same are the kind of people we find and meet in real life.
The ones, that stick to you, hold on to you no matter how bad things are. They guide you, and instead of doing things for you, they help you do them for yourself. The ones you basically look up to.

Then the ones who silently observe you, admire you or despise you, their choice. 
The stalkers, the ones who just wont let you go, no matter how badly you try to avoid them. 

The flirts, oh LORD, save me the horror. The ones who, instead of guiding you, pretend to be your saviors and say "Oh dear, i got this!" These people are mostly the reason behind us losing our focus from the really, genuinely nice people. 

And the ones you see on streets, malls, and random places, wondering what they do, think, live like, but you never get a chance to meet them. 

About that, the other night, I had a chat with my mother about having "friendships" and what kind of people we should be friends, or rather,  be close friends with.
My mother had the perfect answer,"As long as the person is your shoulder to lean on, rather than a run-away from your problems, they are your best friend." 
I, myself, have started to believe that from among all the people I mentioned above, I'd rather be with the first ones, who guide me through the life, instead of all others. 
None of us ever needs an "i'll take care of you" unless we are on bed, with both legs broken, and a hand unable to reach the our head for itching. LORD forbid, that sounds like a weird situation. 
But anyhow, the point is; In life, its easy for others to say that they'll take care of you, but once you, actually, are in darkness, its a true fact that even your own shadow leaves you. Not everytime though. Because a candle in darkness is not 'just a phrase'. There comes that one person who is going to stick with you, as your best blog reader. He would tolerate your bad posts, appreciate your good ones, prove his sincerity towards your blog, then when he starts to feel a right over it, he'll guide you on your mistakes. Help you get improve the mistakes in your posts, and make you a better blogger... Or if considered real life, then the person, or people, who make you better than what you were, are your true 'best friends". 
And that defines 'goodness' in someone, as in, how they treat you. 

Those are "The Good People". The ones who know when you need them, who know their boundaries, and limitations. Who admire you, for who you are, but want you to be more mature and a better person, not because it suits them, but because they want you to have better self esteem and confidence in yourself. 
The people who sacrifice, a lot, for your smile and happiness. 
The ones, for whom the Oxford dictionary keeps a word; Sincere. 
The beautiful people, who know your value, your respect and your honor. And instead of using you for their own good, they keep you in an honorable position in their life. 
The good people, who love you, because you are just yourself in front of them. 

In life, having someone to tell you,"I'll take care of you.." sounds beautiful. 
But having someone to hold you and say,"Look! I know you're upset, but lets see how we can make things better..." is practical implementation to those beautiful lines mentioned previously. 

The guides are better than the care-takers, solely because they make you a better person, instead of just changing your present condition or making you feel better. Because the latter ones would make you feel OK temporarily, but once you're done having a conversation with them, you're back to real, ugly life with a true nightmare waiting for you.
Whereas the former ones would help you through the hard journey, and instead of just holding your hand and sympathizing with you, they'll give you a reality check and pieces of advice to get a better result out of the given hardships.

The guides, the "Good People" are the ones we basically need in our life, instead of the "so-called care-takers" who seem temporarily charming, but are the ones we later refer to as "biggest mistake of our lives.." 

Simplifying all that I just wrote, I'll just say; its a friendly suggestion to all my blog readers, find your guides. Be it a spiritual one, a practical one, an emotional one, but dont ever look for a refuge. 
Because once that refuge is gone, you'll feel shallow and abandoned. But if, lets say, your guides depart, they'll leave you with the feeling of improvement and betterment in yourself, and you'd owe them, for the rest of your life.
Set your priorities when it comes to people. Because as the quotation goes,"Attraction is temporary, Sincerity Is Forever.."

"Being with someone who makes you a 'Better Person', has A far more beautiful outcome than being with someone who makes you 'Feel Better', temporarily. Spot the difference before you lose the sincere ones over the attractive ones."

My special, honest, real Thanks to my best friends who guide me through my mistakes, tolerate me, love me for who I am, and never let go of me. May ALLAH, The ALMIGHTY, keep you with me, forever, so that I keep becoming more mature and better in every path of life. And I hope, I can be as sincere as you, till the very end! InshaALLAH!
Really, Thank You :)

- Maryam!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Maa!

Words are never enough to express your love and gratitude for someone who is the reason behind your life. 

Today, my beautiful Mom turns 52, MashaALLAH! And I hope, pray and wish that she lives a long, happy, blessed, healthy and beautiful life. 
Cannot write much when it comes to my Maa, because no matter what, words can never explain my true feelings for her. 

I love you, Maa! And I wish to make you proud, for the rest of my life! 
Happy Birthday!

- Maryam!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Idea Of The Day!

Be Thankful! 
For being alive..
For being able to;
and most of all,
For Being Able To Breath! 

Because there are a lot of people who are not as blessed as we are! 

Live simple, be thankful! :)
- Maryam!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Friday Thought!

The beauty of success doesn't lie in how much effort you put in.
It basically rests in the arms of the Belief, the Hope and the Confidence that says out loud,"Yes! I Can Do it.." 

Do not give up. Keep tryin' and, surely, one day you'll reach the desired destination!

Keep Believing! 

- Maryam!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Idea Of The Day!

Do Something For Your Loved One! 
Cook, if you can.
Clean, if you need to.
Hug them, unexpectedly.
Hold hands and just talk.
Apologize for your mistakes.
... or may be,
say a simple "I love you" with a smile. And see, how it cheers them up :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Purpose Of Life!

Yesterday, goin' through my extremely boring facebook account, I found a very funny group. It wasn't supposed to be comic and it actually wasn't even close. But my perception was that this person, who has created the page, has no understanding of Love.
The group's name was,"I Can Live Without Oxygen, But Not You." 
Right! As if the world did not have enough issues, we have one more. Living without you, or with you, or with anyone for that matter, because we're desperate souls. Thank you, for the reminder *sarcasm alert*

Shallowness in the world, lack of the true understanding of who you are and the constant need of having someone near because you are not even near of being self-confident, could most probably be the reason behind such weird ideas. Reality is; you can't live without oxygen, even if you pay to do so. But you can live without someone because its possible both in physical and practical sense. The extra-efficiency shown by such people is what ruins the whole idea of being in love; at least for me, it does. And I just cannot help but be agitated over those groups and ending up spamming their walls with my realistic ideas. Normally, the wall posts get deleted. But sometimes, the admin takes a minute or two to insult the living daylights out of me and to tell me that I am a heartless, senseless person with no understanding of such a sacred feeling; Love. 
Heartless, you said? All right. I might be. Because I dont have the whole idea of making tens of thousands of phone calls a day to someone who belongs to the opposite gender. I dont believe in creating fan pages with photographs of hugs and kisses and begging my fans to 'like' them. And I sure, as anything, do not believe in making my feelings public. If that's heartless, then I would pass the test of heartlessness with an A+. Better than what I did in English Class of High School. 

If you are a regular follower of my blog, you'd definately be aware of my ideas about this subject. But today, I felt like there is much more to love then words. There is a divinity in this word. Something beyond human mind and ability to define. 

Love has always been a fascination to me. I admire poets like Rumi who wrote for Love of the CREATOR. Their thoughts are not like average human beings. Simple words creating a classic beauty. Admirable, truly admirable. And thats one of the many concepts of love I actually follow. The Divine Love! It doesnt need words, has no boundaries, and it'll live till eternity, for real. Unlike the love of 21st century, that begins with adding someone on facebook and ends with blocking the person who was once the love of your life. Many of us can relate to it, I am sure! 

The sad part is, I believe, people are lost. They don't have an ambition in their life, have absolutely no clue what they are going to make of the opportunities that are lying in front of them, staring constantly with wide-open arms just so they would accept them. The lack of ability to understand the value of one's self and talents is what makes people so shallow and void. They are unable to absorb the true reality of life, which is most of the times harsh and rough for such fragile souls. They find refuge in feelings like love, hate, affection. But what they forget is; life is beyond such empty feelings!

The point is; we need to understand who we truly are. What is the purpose of our life. Why did ALLAH create us, and not someone else in our place?
If a musician is born to do music, he would never feel satisfied studying Medicine. 
If a doctor is born to serve people, he'd never be able to sit infront of an LCD screen for 10 hours creating and working on software.
Humans are born with an aim in life. All we got to do is, look for it. And not end up being emotionally disturbed because we were too busy "living without oxygen".
We need to sort out the difference between surviving our lives and the survival with dignity. There is a thin line between being emotionally attached and emotionally relying on somebody. Our life demands more than just relying on someone else's existence. It demands creativity, effort, using the time carefully, and the urge to become successful. Our life demands a purpose, find it!

"You are that blessed soul who
belongs to the garden of Paradise,
Is it fair to let yourself
fall apart in a shattered house" - Rumi

- Maryam!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Idea Of The Day!

Do Somethin' For Mom :)

Its Gonna Be Just "Your Day"

‎Let The Bird Inside You Fly, 
Up High! 
Forget What Might Come Next 
And Let Your Head Rest!
You're Beautiful In Every Way, Be Sure! 
Your Life Is Complete, Dont Demand No More
You're The Soul Of Earth,
You're The Love's Birth,
You're Extraordinary,
LORD's best creativity,
You Have A Gift Of Life,
Dont Waste It In Despise,
If You Love, You'll Be Loved Back
Thats The Nature's way To Pay You Back,
Be Simple, Be Caring,
Be Kind, Be Forgiving,
Whenever You Feel Low,
Infront of LORD, you bow,
You would find the hope,
you'd know how to cope,
You'd make mistakes in this race,
you might even go the wrong ways,
But once you're tired of walkin the same mile
take a deep breath, and tell yourself to smile
"Realise my mess ups, know I'm wrong
to make it all right, I gotta be strong.."
Just simply find your way, 
Dont you then astray,
 Keep Goin' And so one day,
Its Gonna Be Just "Your Day"


- Maryam

Saturday, October 8, 2011

... I did not argue!

They told me I might fail, I took a deep breath and did not argue.
They questioned my capabilities, I stayed calm and did not argue. 
They doubted my character, I remained strong and did not argue. 
They never believed in me, I just kept my silence and did not argue.
They made fun of my quiet, I had a tear in my eye, still, did not argue.
They hurt my soul, broke my heart, I did not give up, did not argue.
They taunted me, always, I never lost my patience, did not argue....
Only because... My Mother taught me to never fall down to the level of those who hurt me. Instead, the better approach would be to watch them fall apart silently, while working and making my life better and better. 

Things would change, for all of us. we'll lose hope, we'd break down, we'd have the worse losses ever. We'd be given the constant reminder that life is not easy, but eventually, when the desired destination is reached, the world looks up to the achievers as someone extremely exceptional and special. 

As Paulo Coelho said,"Only Mediocrity is safe. Get Ready To Be Attacked And Be The Best."

One day, it'd be your day! And thats the day when you know what you're born to do! 
Don't give up, don't lose hope. Keep striving, Struggling, Learning, Studying, Believing and most of all, keep HOPING!

- Maryam

Idea Of The Day!

Do something unexpected. :) 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Be A Human!

Be A Hope, A Human, No Matter If its the smallest of events! 

- Maryam

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Do What You Love - Steve Jobs! (Rest In Peace)

One of the most inspiring human beings on this planet! 

"If a man can make such a huge difference in the world and touch so many lives in just 56 years, then a life of purpose is definitely worth living. 
Steve Jobs, you have launched your last invention today ... iHope!"

Rest in peace, Steve Jobs! Thank you for making a change in the world and our lives.

- Maryam

The Silent Change...

As I walked on the cool ground of my rooftop, my heart suddenly started to beat faster than usual. I suddenly got a feeling in my head that I wanted to dance, or jump even. Found myself listening to some old tunes, and my whole body moved with the beat. In a very unprecedented manner, I caught myself guilty of 'dancing in the cool breeze'.

October 5th, 2011 marks the first day of that weather here, which I'd like to categorize as 'beautiful'.
The chilly breeze, the clear sky and the outstanding silence of the weather felt like talking to me. It was, as if the whole atmosphere is giving me a message or an anonymous sensation which I could not name. I am the sort of person who likes to be alone, in her own world, doing her own things. I do not take dictations, that much actually. But today, I wanted or, more appropriately, needed the weather to guide me through the confusion I had in my mind about what exactly was I "Feeling". 

Not occasionally, humans have been immune towards a change. Most certainly because we; the demanding, the habitual species, are meant to react towards every little moment that passes by, in weird or usual manners. Human beings have always been known to raise opinions, judgments, reactions towards a certain 'change'.
What exactly a change is? 
Change is basically giving a different form or appearance, partially or completely, to a certain thing. 
Change occurs around us, every moment. We see weather taking its turns from warm, to hot, to very hot, to cool to chilly and then freezing. We see people's moods transforming from the most sweetest to the worst possible pathetic ones. We see ourselves, transforming, in the matter of just some years into a completely different personality. 

Change cannot be avoided! Its natural, for humans, for moods, for weathers and everything in our surrounding to take a new route every once in a while. 

- But what basically the need of the hour, as I walked on my rooftop, was to get used to the change in a better, positive and a much more accepting manner. 

There were two possibilities I could consider as the temperature of my surroundings seemed to lower down a little bit.
One; Winter is approaching. Flu, fever, laziness, dizziness, the cold water at the time of Fajr prayer! 
Two: No humidity, no sweating, rains, clouds, winds, cool breezes, and just all the beauty that comes with it...

Ofcourse, the former option is a must. For someone with such low immunity levels, like myself, flu and fever are winter's blessings. But, with all that come the extremely splendid moves by the nature. The dark, sometimes a little bit scary, clouds. Which don't often end up in raining, but when they do, it cannot be explained in words. The cool breezes at the time of sunrise and sunset, alike, would take you to a divine level where you cannot resist but say "Wow, ya ALLAH, YOU're, undoubtedly, MAGNIFICENT". The sun hiding between the clouds, as if it is embarrassed of throwing heat on us for 7 to 9 months a year. The whole beauty of the weather is stunning. 

Today, it felt to me that the winds, basically, sent me a very beautiful message of accepting the new weather, the less humid surroundings, in a not-so-occasional way. So, it just occurred to me to listen to soft music, dance on it swiftly and just forget every worry and live the very moment. 
And that was 'the silent change' I found in myself after a very long time. 
I tell myself everyday to enjoy life, to live in the moment. But I forget it, a lot of times, because of anxiety, depression, illness or something else that would bug me. But the winds today, they told me to forget every little worry I had in my head, dance to the tunes and just lose myself in the excitement of a new 'Change'. 

And thats exactly, how we people need to react towards every situation when things take a different turn. By staying calm, and observant of the very moment, we can calculate every possibility and then go for the positive one that would bring a much better outcome.

A friend of mine explained it, rather clearly that "Sometimes, you need to give things time and space, specially when they are changing your life. You might get hurt, you might break yourself, from the very inside, but, eventually, that change would be everything you always needed." 

Do not forget to enjoy life, enjoy the days, enjoy the moments, because once its gone, you won't be able to do anything but regret. And regrets are just uninvited guests in our minds that annoy us, or more probably, disturb us to a very high level.

Live in the moment, accept the positive changes, reject the negative ones. And keep telling yourself that you're a good person, and life couldn't be any better! 

"You can whether resist the change which you might dislike, or accept the one which makes you a better person. But what defines your attitude is, how you 'react' towards 'Change' and how you alter yourself with it!"

Stay Blessed!

- Maryam

Monday, October 3, 2011


Its a very simple and humble message. 
Stop saying what "they" say, stop worrying what they "worry" about.. Stop caring for what "they" care about.. Stop "dreaming" their dreams.. Stop complaining their "complains"..

Every human in this world is born an individual. He is given his own mind to think, to consider and re consider everything, to calculate every aspect of his life for his ownself. Why worry about what others' minds are upto? why should we possibly care what someone else needs from our aims, our dreams? 

Its us who get, the result, the outcome of our efforts. If we want to achieve our ambitions, there are going to be a lot of hurdles, thousands of distractions, and a lot more of hurt and pain in our way. But, at that moment when you feel in your heart that "Yes! I did it," its worth every single tear you shed, and all the hard-work you put into it. And believe me, when you're at the top of your game, all those who never reached the top, would look up to you. "They" are the same people who pushed you down, again and again, and tried their level best to keep you from being an "Achiever".

Do NOT lose your aims for someone else.
Do NOT give up on your dreams because of a mere distraction.
Do NOT let others tell you that you cannot do something.
And I say, DO NOT let "them" make you weak! 

You were born strong, you lived strong, and you're going to be just fine, if only you manage to stay a little more stronger than you already are! 

Stay Blessed!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Idea Of The Day!

Call a friend you havent talked to, in a long while, and genuinly tell them that you miss them. Remind them of some good old times you had together, and let them know how much you value those moments. 
You might not have that friendship back, but believe me, the feeling would be great :)