Saturday, October 1, 2011

Idea Of The Day!

Call a friend you havent talked to, in a long while, and genuinly tell them that you miss them. Remind them of some good old times you had together, and let them know how much you value those moments. 
You might not have that friendship back, but believe me, the feeling would be great :)


  1. nd what u will do if that frnd dont wanna talk.?

  2. Well, On the other hand, it could have cheered the friend also...:D

  3. @ Darkness:
    well, the basic idea is about making yourself feel good :) Doin a good deed, a positive one. If the friend doesn't wanna talk, then you can do is be positive and make him talk! If still it doesnt work then, its his bad deed! Cant do anythin about it :) But no need to feel bad, at least what you did was decent :)

    AbdulRehman: That'd be a reward :) If the friend cheers up, that'd be the real reward :)


  4. sometimes its nt so easy to control or manage ur heart.u wud feel bad for it even if u don will make u feel bad ;' ( . i don knw u also face this or nt bt i do.

  5. well, I cant say if I am facing the same issue as yours but.. Have Faith in ALLAH! If things are meant to go right, they would find their way.
    I always believe in one thing; if the one blessing is written in your fate, its going to come your way, no matter what :) so be strong!
