Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Silent Change...

As I walked on the cool ground of my rooftop, my heart suddenly started to beat faster than usual. I suddenly got a feeling in my head that I wanted to dance, or jump even. Found myself listening to some old tunes, and my whole body moved with the beat. In a very unprecedented manner, I caught myself guilty of 'dancing in the cool breeze'.

October 5th, 2011 marks the first day of that weather here, which I'd like to categorize as 'beautiful'.
The chilly breeze, the clear sky and the outstanding silence of the weather felt like talking to me. It was, as if the whole atmosphere is giving me a message or an anonymous sensation which I could not name. I am the sort of person who likes to be alone, in her own world, doing her own things. I do not take dictations, that much actually. But today, I wanted or, more appropriately, needed the weather to guide me through the confusion I had in my mind about what exactly was I "Feeling". 

Not occasionally, humans have been immune towards a change. Most certainly because we; the demanding, the habitual species, are meant to react towards every little moment that passes by, in weird or usual manners. Human beings have always been known to raise opinions, judgments, reactions towards a certain 'change'.
What exactly a change is? 
Change is basically giving a different form or appearance, partially or completely, to a certain thing. 
Change occurs around us, every moment. We see weather taking its turns from warm, to hot, to very hot, to cool to chilly and then freezing. We see people's moods transforming from the most sweetest to the worst possible pathetic ones. We see ourselves, transforming, in the matter of just some years into a completely different personality. 

Change cannot be avoided! Its natural, for humans, for moods, for weathers and everything in our surrounding to take a new route every once in a while. 

- But what basically the need of the hour, as I walked on my rooftop, was to get used to the change in a better, positive and a much more accepting manner. 

There were two possibilities I could consider as the temperature of my surroundings seemed to lower down a little bit.
One; Winter is approaching. Flu, fever, laziness, dizziness, the cold water at the time of Fajr prayer! 
Two: No humidity, no sweating, rains, clouds, winds, cool breezes, and just all the beauty that comes with it...

Ofcourse, the former option is a must. For someone with such low immunity levels, like myself, flu and fever are winter's blessings. But, with all that come the extremely splendid moves by the nature. The dark, sometimes a little bit scary, clouds. Which don't often end up in raining, but when they do, it cannot be explained in words. The cool breezes at the time of sunrise and sunset, alike, would take you to a divine level where you cannot resist but say "Wow, ya ALLAH, YOU're, undoubtedly, MAGNIFICENT". The sun hiding between the clouds, as if it is embarrassed of throwing heat on us for 7 to 9 months a year. The whole beauty of the weather is stunning. 

Today, it felt to me that the winds, basically, sent me a very beautiful message of accepting the new weather, the less humid surroundings, in a not-so-occasional way. So, it just occurred to me to listen to soft music, dance on it swiftly and just forget every worry and live the very moment. 
And that was 'the silent change' I found in myself after a very long time. 
I tell myself everyday to enjoy life, to live in the moment. But I forget it, a lot of times, because of anxiety, depression, illness or something else that would bug me. But the winds today, they told me to forget every little worry I had in my head, dance to the tunes and just lose myself in the excitement of a new 'Change'. 

And thats exactly, how we people need to react towards every situation when things take a different turn. By staying calm, and observant of the very moment, we can calculate every possibility and then go for the positive one that would bring a much better outcome.

A friend of mine explained it, rather clearly that "Sometimes, you need to give things time and space, specially when they are changing your life. You might get hurt, you might break yourself, from the very inside, but, eventually, that change would be everything you always needed." 

Do not forget to enjoy life, enjoy the days, enjoy the moments, because once its gone, you won't be able to do anything but regret. And regrets are just uninvited guests in our minds that annoy us, or more probably, disturb us to a very high level.

Live in the moment, accept the positive changes, reject the negative ones. And keep telling yourself that you're a good person, and life couldn't be any better! 

"You can whether resist the change which you might dislike, or accept the one which makes you a better person. But what defines your attitude is, how you 'react' towards 'Change' and how you alter yourself with it!"

Stay Blessed!

- Maryam


  1. i love your thoughts a lot..
    even when i'm not that kind of person that accepts change at all..i do not accept till it becomes fait accompli! ..
    i love a certain rhythm of life.i fear any other rhythm that could be faster or even slower ..i am a dreamer and i dislike those who rob me of my dreams and impose a stiff reality on my mind i just cannot accept it!..just like a child dislikes a person taking his toy away from him..

  2. I luv ya <3 :)

    Well, ya hala, I totally understand what you're saying. You know, change can be definately understood by people who have a lot of experiences of changing homes or places. Like, I am a Pakistani, and live in Saudi Arabia. I have to go there, for studies, then come back.. so the change is just.. THERE! it cannot be avoided. So, all you can do is, you know, dance with the rhythm of it hehe :)

    I hope InshaALLAH you never ever have to face crucial changes.. And, ofcourse, for people with dreams and aims, change is something that.. just doesnt go with life :)
