Monday, October 24, 2011

The Good People!

Its been 3 days, a thought has been going through my mind. To write on a topic named as "The Good People".
I wrote about 30-50 lines in different posts, then saved  them as drafts because they just did not seem right. 
Bloggin' might seem like a very simple way of expressing one's-self. But when you see the views going from 58 to just 8, that's when you start to think,"I gotta post something new.. and decent enough".
But the best thing about blogging is; you dont take have to take dictations or orders from your editor boss! You can just go with the flow of your own inspirations and thoughts, post them, not really thinking if someone would approve it or not. Those who do, you thank them, appreciate them and well, love them! Those who don't, you take the positive criticism and "Calmly" accept, whereas the plain rude trolls and spammers are just simply ignored.

I believe, there is not much difference between Blogging and real life. I might seem like an introvert obsessed with internet and sitting infront of an LCD, but nowadays, who isn't? :)

In blogging life, people visit your address, read your posts, if they understand your language, then they take a second look as well. If they dont, they'd simply just ignore it as "just another piece of writing on just another website..." 
But then, there are people who stick to your blog. Who give it a read daily, no matter what. They take time out to visit it, comment on it, even criticize or suggest something to make it look better and improve it.  Who become your friends later, or even best friends. And become a part of your blog and life, all together.

Then, there are some silent visitors you see on the "Statistics" of your blog from different countries. Who never comment, but are always present, no matter if its 1 in the morning or 2 in the noon. They hardly ever comment or post a response, but they are your silent supporters who give you a motivation to write more and more.

Stalkers would be quite a suitable word for those people who would go around following you till they find you on facebook or on a fan page of you and write on every status you've ever posted,"Inbox me". Thats not a bad thing, because sometimes they can't help it, unless they are planning to kidnap you! 

After that, there are some people who are so charming, they want to take care of things for you, they offer you help in blogging, even 'blog-flirt' with you! The ones I sometimes want to punch in the face, but when I can't, I'll just punch my laptop or mobile and hate myself for makin' a blog. The young immature readers who see the posts as 'story of their life' and pretend to adore the blogger and tell them "they are angels on earth, blah blah" and never ever mean those big words. Gosh, I seriously dont like such members!

And those who come, go and pretend like they never existed. Yes, there are people like this. I saw a country named "Latvia" on my blog statistics, LORD be my sole witness, I did not know this country ever came into being. Well, Geography has never been my favourite class anyway. 

Coming back to the point,
I believe, same are the kind of people we find and meet in real life.
The ones, that stick to you, hold on to you no matter how bad things are. They guide you, and instead of doing things for you, they help you do them for yourself. The ones you basically look up to.

Then the ones who silently observe you, admire you or despise you, their choice. 
The stalkers, the ones who just wont let you go, no matter how badly you try to avoid them. 

The flirts, oh LORD, save me the horror. The ones who, instead of guiding you, pretend to be your saviors and say "Oh dear, i got this!" These people are mostly the reason behind us losing our focus from the really, genuinely nice people. 

And the ones you see on streets, malls, and random places, wondering what they do, think, live like, but you never get a chance to meet them. 

About that, the other night, I had a chat with my mother about having "friendships" and what kind of people we should be friends, or rather,  be close friends with.
My mother had the perfect answer,"As long as the person is your shoulder to lean on, rather than a run-away from your problems, they are your best friend." 
I, myself, have started to believe that from among all the people I mentioned above, I'd rather be with the first ones, who guide me through the life, instead of all others. 
None of us ever needs an "i'll take care of you" unless we are on bed, with both legs broken, and a hand unable to reach the our head for itching. LORD forbid, that sounds like a weird situation. 
But anyhow, the point is; In life, its easy for others to say that they'll take care of you, but once you, actually, are in darkness, its a true fact that even your own shadow leaves you. Not everytime though. Because a candle in darkness is not 'just a phrase'. There comes that one person who is going to stick with you, as your best blog reader. He would tolerate your bad posts, appreciate your good ones, prove his sincerity towards your blog, then when he starts to feel a right over it, he'll guide you on your mistakes. Help you get improve the mistakes in your posts, and make you a better blogger... Or if considered real life, then the person, or people, who make you better than what you were, are your true 'best friends". 
And that defines 'goodness' in someone, as in, how they treat you. 

Those are "The Good People". The ones who know when you need them, who know their boundaries, and limitations. Who admire you, for who you are, but want you to be more mature and a better person, not because it suits them, but because they want you to have better self esteem and confidence in yourself. 
The people who sacrifice, a lot, for your smile and happiness. 
The ones, for whom the Oxford dictionary keeps a word; Sincere. 
The beautiful people, who know your value, your respect and your honor. And instead of using you for their own good, they keep you in an honorable position in their life. 
The good people, who love you, because you are just yourself in front of them. 

In life, having someone to tell you,"I'll take care of you.." sounds beautiful. 
But having someone to hold you and say,"Look! I know you're upset, but lets see how we can make things better..." is practical implementation to those beautiful lines mentioned previously. 

The guides are better than the care-takers, solely because they make you a better person, instead of just changing your present condition or making you feel better. Because the latter ones would make you feel OK temporarily, but once you're done having a conversation with them, you're back to real, ugly life with a true nightmare waiting for you.
Whereas the former ones would help you through the hard journey, and instead of just holding your hand and sympathizing with you, they'll give you a reality check and pieces of advice to get a better result out of the given hardships.

The guides, the "Good People" are the ones we basically need in our life, instead of the "so-called care-takers" who seem temporarily charming, but are the ones we later refer to as "biggest mistake of our lives.." 

Simplifying all that I just wrote, I'll just say; its a friendly suggestion to all my blog readers, find your guides. Be it a spiritual one, a practical one, an emotional one, but dont ever look for a refuge. 
Because once that refuge is gone, you'll feel shallow and abandoned. But if, lets say, your guides depart, they'll leave you with the feeling of improvement and betterment in yourself, and you'd owe them, for the rest of your life.
Set your priorities when it comes to people. Because as the quotation goes,"Attraction is temporary, Sincerity Is Forever.."

"Being with someone who makes you a 'Better Person', has A far more beautiful outcome than being with someone who makes you 'Feel Better', temporarily. Spot the difference before you lose the sincere ones over the attractive ones."

My special, honest, real Thanks to my best friends who guide me through my mistakes, tolerate me, love me for who I am, and never let go of me. May ALLAH, The ALMIGHTY, keep you with me, forever, so that I keep becoming more mature and better in every path of life. And I hope, I can be as sincere as you, till the very end! InshaALLAH!
Really, Thank You :)

- Maryam!


  1. Very Very Nice Post Mano..'Proud of You'.....:D..It would have been even better if you could elaborate some difficult words (Someone's Dictionary is Bloating)..:P

    By the way, I know i fall in Flirty Category but I don't mind it..:P

    You know What, I've a lot in mind to write...But Courtesy my ever 'Busy' Schedule, I don't even want to look at my Vaio when i get back to home..:(..And even if i Turn it on..i can't seem to be fit enough to sit so all i am left with is a Damn USB...:D

    Anyways, Really nice post..

    (A Nice Stalker)

  2. DAMN!!!!

    I forgot to write the most Important thing..

    "Have Fun Baji Rakhshanda!!!! "..:D


  3. Thank you so much my "best blog-follower".
    But you have mistakenly put yourself in the real wrong category.
    You see, there were some "qualities" mentioned about the Flirt Category :P Lets review them once again, shall we? :P

    "After that, there are some people who are so charming, they want to take care of things for you, they offer you help in blogging, even 'blog-flirt' with you!"

    I am sorry, you failed at the above mentioned, you never offered me help nor ever took care of things for me!!! :P

    "The ones I sometimes want to punch in the face, but when I can't, I'll just punch my laptop or mobile and hate myself for makin' a blog. "

    I never want to punch you in the face, unless you dont comment on my posts :D

    "The young immature readers who see the posts as 'story of their life' and pretend to adore the blogger and tell them "they are angels on earth, blah blah" and never ever mean those big words. Gosh, I seriously dont like such members!"

    You are NOT, AT ALL, Young :D So Congratulations, you have failed to fit in this category :D You know where you fit, so stop being humble!!

    And Its not your schedule, Maan. Its your priorities. Your job is the first thing (and most probably the last one, too) on your mind.. so, all you have on your hand is USB to utilize :D Enjoy it! *ahem* :D

    Again, thank you so much Nice stalker :D

    Thanks for the have fun wish though, I am sure I am gonna really have a great day after "this" wish!
    Hope you have a great day too, which i am sure you would 'cos I havent got into a fight just yet :P

  4. very meditative piece ,a piercing glance over an unnoticeable aspect ,though it was quite noticeable 2 me,thanks to some vicious creatures i've once known ,as it was written in my fate tht 1 day i will get humiliated by those.Anyhow the second vicious creature among those once gave me an advice which ws simply abbreviated in this 'my life is lame and wht i believe in is as worthless as dust,my friends r some wolves messing over tht virtual spider-web ,swear words r ok to use as long as they're written,my beliefs r vain,my life is vain,i am vain,the person wanted me 2 see the lameness and falsity from their own perspective, i do not know whether advising ws the person's real intention,or ws it something else which i think was 'venom',though as a muslim i should take wht's apparent,no matter how sure i am,cuz my certainty is based on nothing bt feelings and a quite enough history of abuse piling up in my mind forming my vision of tht person's character ,anyhow i took it as an advice,cuz tht ws wht she claimed.

  5. Firstly, thank you for the comment, ya Hala! :)

    I am no one to advice, believe me, but I really have to say one thing; stop seeing yourself from other people's eyes.

    You see one of my friends is one of thosese friends who have taught me one thing; Stop thinking what others think about you. Because no matter what, your own confidence is the one that leads you to a better result.

    There is no point in making someone feel low and inferior just because you feel so. And it, sure as hell, is NOT an advice. Because advice is what makes someone a better person. This kind of stuff is called, I believe, bullying or may be those people are just in superiority complex, as if they are world's best thing ever.
    If you believe in yourself, Hala, if you think you're a good person, your own trust in yourself is whats gonna lead you. Those people are the type that come, push you to an extreme level of depression, and go. They are not permanent, nor should be their effects. Instead, when they tell you that you're not good enough, you should come back as a better, more confident person to prove that their words meant nothing. And I believe you've done that, really! Be confident hala, you've achieved so much, which other people cant even dream about..!!

    Believe me, I've been there-done that! When everyone tells you you're not good enough.. Silently just listen to them, and prove it to them later that whatever they say are just "LAME" words.. And we are better than them, in every sense. :)

    The good people, like yourself, still are there! And InshaALLAH, you'll find your "good people" too :D Dont worry!
