Ordinary Life; how do you define one? A person who wakes up in the morning, takes his breakfast, reads the newspaper, does all the 'average' stuff everyone else does. Then gets ready, takes his keys, drives to office, drops his kids to school. His wife, if not a working lady, meanwhile stays in the house. Cooks, cleans and again, does all the 'average' stuff everyone else does.
The man comes back home, kids doing their homework, gree
t their dad. While the lady of the house, sets the table for dinner. Everyone sits, takes a bite or two. And then comes the awkward silence. Everyone has something going on in their minds, which they want to discuss badly, but may not be able to.
The teenage girl is going through some weird feeling issues, she is not able to talk about. The boy, on the other hand, has no idea why he failed the test, eventhough he tried his level best. The little one, who saw some new gadget in the hands of a kid in school, is desiring to buy it, but has no guts to ask for it.
The husband, looks at his wife and wonders.. "Is that the life I dr
eamed for? Is she really the one?" Whereas the wife, taking her last bite of the meal thinks,"Just another day passed.. Oh Lord! I need the rest.."
That is, Ordinary Life.
The fears, the confusions, the torn apart, heartbroken, regretful people who are normally seen with dark circles around their eyes, and always faking a smile are the people who actually could use a break from Ordinary Life.
But what exactly is the reason we oftenly interpret life as Ordinary
Or Extraordinary?
In my humble opinion, and observation, people who follow the same routine every single day get used to the hurt, the pain that comes with it. They are not able to differentiate between boredom and 'being used to something'.
And when they see someone doing different things, and apparently enjoying their life, they believe that man is living an extraordinary life. Not knowing that this man has his own depressions and/or pain hurting him.
So, what exactly makes life "Extraordinary"?
My experience: Hope! If you have one reason to hope for the best, hope that things would get better, hope that life would make sense some day, it would! Everything would become fine once you hope for it. But is hoping enough? Well, ofcourse not. You cannot just sit on the desk of your cabin and hope that your work would be done by the end of the office timings. Or you cannot just let your notebook lay on the table and hope for your homework to be done.
You need to work, and work really hard to get everything done, that is your responsibility.
Hope, basically, adds the factor of happiness and passion into your
efforts. If you work hard, with no hope, everything seems like a burden. But if you struggle, or even strive to get something, with hope, its all worth the wait, eventually. When you get the good results, the feeling of "I knew I'd do it" and the happiness behind it, just makes your day!
But if you get bad results, after hope, it does shatter you no doubt. But makes you say, I did try and I wont give up!
Hope, is pretty much, the difference between the Ordinary Life And ExtraOrdinary Life. Its on us, what we make out of every single moment.
If the same man, defined above, sits on the dinner table, with a
different attitude, a different behaviour, he might be able to make everyone's day better.
If he asks his son, why he is upset instead of judging him, the son and the father could bond really quick and the boy would not ever feel ashamed of his failures, rather he would be able to try harder the next time.
If the same man, would ask his wife, if she needs anything, or if he could do anything, or does anything to make her feel better, once in a while, it would make her feel valued.
If the same man, asks his daughter to share things with him, and does not judge her character or personality, she would be able to trust him, have faith in him, and know that if she messes up, he'll back her up!
If the same man, is hopeful, and makes everyone hopeful too,
then the Ordinary Life turns into ExtraOrdinary, without putting much effort in. Just a little change of attitude, and you would live the best out of every single day.
As I read once, "It Might Take A Whole Bunch Of People to Bring A Revolution, But It Takes Only One Man's Idea, To Theme It.." If you change your attitude today, you might be able to change the surroundings, the people, the sadness and the same boring routine around you.. Just hope, that things would be all right!

Just be the reason of other people's hopes, because may be, your smile and a kind gesture is all they need. You dont need to be a celebrity to live a perfect life. A positive attitude can give you a lot more satisfaction then material things can.